It ain't what they call you, it's what you answer to. ~W.C. Fields
The world will throw a lot of things at you and it is only what you decide to respond to that shapes who you are. Don’t pay attention to the nonsense, let it pass you by.
Ideals are like stars: you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafaring man on the ocean desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them, you reach your destiny. – Carl Schurz
Don’t try and become perfect, it’s a futile quest. However, everyone needs an ideal to lift them beyond the practical so that they can achieve the impossible.
“You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.” -- Oscar Wilde
Love is a mystery until your own heart sings. So trust the silent song in your heart.
The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't. ~Henry Ward Beecher
Say yes to life, don’t be afraid to try something new. If it’s difficult don’t give up, you won’t know if you really like something until you struggle with it because you’ve made a commitment.
Learning never exhausts the mind. -- Leonardo da Vinci
When you are learning you are energized and excited. Once you stop learning then what you try to put into your mind becomes stressful. Learn from everyone and everything.
Learning too soon our limitations, we never learn our powers. -- Mignon McLaughlin
Too much criticism at any time in ones life teaches fear. Concentrate on your strengths and talents, and they will move you forward and lead you to your greatness.
You aren't learning anything when you're talking. -- Lyndon B. Johnson
Listening seems to be a lost art. We are all struggling to be heard and yet we don’t know how to hear what others are saying. Slow down and listen, it will change your life.
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~ Oscar Wilde
The message is learn to be you; it doesn’t have to agree with the opinions and lives of others. Of course, you’ll have opposition, differences frighten the weak of heart and that’s exactly why you should not pay attention to them.
“Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.”-- James M. Barrie
What you give with your heart you increase within yourself. Give love and light to others and you’ll bring it into your life.
Pay attention to what you’re doing, not to the end result and you will have the success you are looking for. Give the moment your all and opportunity will come to you.
"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality."-- Ayn Rand
Not making a choice is a choice. When you constantly avoid making decisions you end up where you don’t want to be and wonder how you got there. You are here to create your life your way. Don’t accept what is offered; go for what you want.
If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living. -- Gail Sheehy
Change is often frightening because it puts you in the unknown and you’re not in control. Guess what -- you’re not in control even when you think you are, so learn how to have faith and just take the next step. Life is about experiences.
An idea is salvation by imagination. -- Frank Lloyd Wright
How many times have you felt stuck or as if something was impossible until you learned a new and better way. There is always a way. All questions have answers, start asking the right ones.